Krystel Boucher: Lead Vocals
Karine Tremblay: Guitar
Sébastien Savoie: Guitar
Stéphane Leclerc: Bass
Louis-Philippe Dufour: Drums

We are currently recording our first album in the studio of Louis-Philippe (band's drummer) and playing mostly in the Montréal area.

Stop freakin' me out


 -  reached  # 1 on  KIAC Big 50   


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4/11/2008 3:48:47 AM
Hey great Sound
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Shizoey from Austria

Ipoppa electronic

12/30/2007 8:36:33 AM
Happy New Year to all our members! - IAC 2008


11/27/2007 2:11:51 PM
Great Stuff!!! You guys rock! Peace

Tim Blunt

11/11/2007 9:21:23 PM
I like your sound, Vocal, Melodies / Hooks are strong. Keep it up!



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Montréal Québec Canada
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Hits 'Puzzle' is awesome. Good luck with your new album!
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* Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Raymond Porters Top Bands Of 2008 station!
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* Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Render Unto Little Caesar station!
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IAC Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Kayak Number One Songs! station!
IAC Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Songs - to listen to 2 station!
IAC Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to metal mettle station!
IMP Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Faces station!
IMP Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Puzzle' has just been added to BANG station!
IMP Your song 'Stop freakin' me out' has just been added to BANG station!
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Render Unto Little Caesar
Indie sound of America and beyond
All Beef 24/7
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
TNT-Hartstudio Radio
Platinum Hits
Emo Rocks!
Lord X Selections
Wonderful Music
This Just In
lauras stuff
hell cats radio
FM tunes for the FM
Extra! Archive
Songs - to listen to 2
KarnalEcho Rock
playlist 16
playlist 15
BANG FM - a Desperado Revue station
Acid Rain
Canada Rocks!
Letters to the Dead
breakfast table
Flying Fred´s Germany Indie Rock Show
Reach for the Stars
Heavy Rotation
AOR (All Over the Road)
Sandman's Songbirds
AOR Overflow
Hitline Archive
anti-racing cap station
Kayak Number One Songs!
Favorite IAC Tracks

4/4/2014 7:09:34 PM
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The RoundSquare