BEAST THE BLACKMOON, a voice that is powered like no other; takes over any beat and sound that is put in his way. BEAST THE BLACKMOON, P Ferrell was born on a small army base in Germany. With all of his family from Georgia and Alabama, BEAST THE BLACKMOON grew up in different types of environments. With both his father and his step father being in the army, travel was a common thing; never in one spot for too long. Writing came natural to him, so he formed his thoughts into poetry. Letting all his emotions out on paper became a relief factor for him. At the age of 16, he wrote his first rhyme called Hard Times; giving his de___scription on his life in that moment. Even with his step father around the house, he was never in the house. Eventually his step father left the reasonability to his mom to raise 5 kids on her own. Jumping from place to place, finally settled down in Colorado Springs, CO, in 1992. This is where he was introduced to the gang like mentality. Hanging around nothing but gang members; they became his family in the streets. Being part of something that was bigger than him at the time gave him comfort and once you get too comfortable with something, it tends to eat at you. Embedded in the gang life, he quickly attached himself to his music making it hard and rough edged going by the nickname Rugged.

In and out the streets, he soon got his calling when he upped and moved out of Colorado and into Texas in 2005 with his wife and 2 kids at the time. It was a move that would change his life forever. With friends out of his life and just him and his family, he was able to establish a relationship with God. Finding himself is something he could not do while he was in the mist of his friends back home. On becoming he, so did he find an understanding of music; to make it define him and the battles he goes through which brings forth the BEAST THE BLACKMOON; a creature with no name created by the world. With his dreams ahead, he pushed forward making different songs in his apartment, using anything to make a beat with. Towards the fall of 2010, he hooked up with T. Morris who introduced him to King SoloMan (founder and CEO of MegaSonic Beats/MegaSonic Music Group). There he found something new that he could build on and go forward in his music. I welcome you “to the life” and heart of the BEAST….

Sound Crazy

Hip Hop

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