Updated 11/26/2008 9:44:23 PM
Last View: 9/20/2024 8:18:36 PM
Last Login: 6/4/2009 11:17:43 AM
IndieMusicPeople.com       BetsyM2009
About Me
life summary
Long Story!
I live for…
Country Music, Peanut Butter and Chocolate
I despise
pushy, arrogant people
self-chosen nickname
life turning point
haven't gotten there yet
in 10 years I'll be
Still with my husband, But I'll be more successful as a business woman
in 10 minutes I'll be
Checking my pies
experience of high strangeness
too many to count... lol
my advice to you
Take advantage of today, as you only get one, Tomorrow is another day!
I'm a big fan of Scott Allen Fraser, we became friends quickly and I'm gonna do all I can to help Scotty reach the top!

I'm a 48 yr old homemaker in Conroe, TX, Married to a terrific guy and Mom to a pretty terrific 13 yr old son and a 26 yr old daughter and Grandma to three very pretty grandchildren. I like to write poetry when I'm inspired enough, and that's about it.

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Scott Allen Fraser   Scott's a very good friend of mine, Listen to his songs and you will see he's also very talented!

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