This fiery metal quartet hailing from Ft Wayne, IN, has been making noise since mid-April of 2006. They started from two teens jamming together in a crowded basement to a full fledged metal band playing Pieres(Ft. Wayne, IN) and The Rave (Milwaukee, WI). They have opened for notorious bands such as Hellyeah, Nonpoint, Machinehead, Bury Your Dead, Hydrovibe, Dark Shift (now known as SILVERGUN), and Bobaflex. They went on a brief 3 month hiatus after lead singer StG married, and now they are back and slowly rebuilding the havoc they call music. Fronted by the demonic screams and lamenting pleas of vocalist StG, harmonizing with TBAG TONEZ' Dimebagesque guitar riffs & solos, filled with the growling bass of TANK, and underlying that is PORKCHOP's war drums. With their first full length CD in the works Bludspyre's reign will not end for a long time.
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�2015-2016 Indie Music
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