DAVID is a melodic rock group based out of Central Fla. They have 3 albums currently on the market.
The group is centered around David Mikeal who is the lead singer and writer for the group. They usually perform live as a 3 or 4 piece group with the supporting members
changing from time to time. They have received many awards locally, and have quite a following in Europe. David Mikeal is a multi-instrumentalist and used to be lead guitarist and vocalist with a well known melodic rock group on A&M Records called MPG.

Number One
Probably the most commercial song, and the only real ballad on our new release DAVID III. It is track 3 on that album. This song also has a nice touch of some tasty nylon acoustic guitar.

The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.


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DAVID just recently released their 3rd album entitled DAVID III. It has been receiving great reviews from all over the world. 10/23/2010 8:42:35 PM
Last pageview at: 3/12/2025 3:53:49 AM
Pageviews: 9059

www.davidmikeal.com www.glory-daze.com