"Elijah Aaron offers us the very best of American pop music returning to its senses. Never angry, hostile or offensive, Aaron consistently reminds us of our capacity for authentic love, compassion, good humor and a sunny spirituality. His music is gentle and deep; perfect for relaxed listening with friends or some personal time to get back in touch with your own inmost identity. In a world that seems very dark at times, Elijah Aaron is a musical light that is certain to brighten the days and lives of all who hear his dynamicly creative yet gentle soul."

-Nancy Kramer-Editor Creative Light Press Columbus, Ohio

A home in the hills


You could keep me up


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Last logged in: 6/4/2013 10:44:23 PM         Pageviews:  11408
David and Jesse Yo dude... just checked out your tunes... AMAZING!!! your last album was sick but this one is SOOO good! When you coming to Atlanta?!
Jenny Hey Elijah! i LOVE "you could keep me up" is that a clarinet i hear?
Steve nice tunes man. keep it up.
Rob When this album gunna be available for purchase???
eric finley sounds great man
* Your song 'A home in the hills' has just been added to ROAD MoViE.... station!
* Your song 'You could keep me up' has just been added to Cabaret Noir....... station!
* Your song 'You could keep me up' has just been added to Pink mOnKeY Radio station!
* Your song 'You could keep me up' has just been added to IMP Playlist station!
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New album entitled "Nuzzle Up Close" released 10/20/07

Check out Elijah's other discography...

2004 - Prurple Undeez
2006 - Them Days (available on iTunes)
2007 - Nuzzle Up Close
Pink mOnKeY Radio
Cabaret Noir.......
IMP Playlist

4/12/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/3/2024 10:59:44 PM
Pageviews: 11408


Elijah Aaron