Raleigh North Carolina United States
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IMP Your song 'You've Got A Hold On Me' has just been added to Follow Records Radio station! |
IMP Your song 'You've Got A Hold On Me' has just been added to Featured Songs station! |
IAC Your song 'You've Got A Hold On Me' has just been added to Super Eclectic station! |
IMP Your song 'You've Got A Hold On Me' has just been added to Songs - to listen to station! |
IMP Your song 'You've Got A Hold On Me' has just been added to Faces station! |
IMP Your song 'You've Got A Hold On Me' has just been added to This Just In station! |
IMP Your song 'Falling to Pieces' has just been added to Pop station! |
IMP Your song 'Captain America' has just been added to eYe station! |
IMP Your song 'Captain America' has just been added to Heroes and Villains station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2018 Contenders station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Desperado Revue station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Blurby the Maestro of Blurbs station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Desperado 30 Special station! |
IMP Your song 'Captain America' has just been added to Make America Great Again station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Desperado Mini Pack station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Desperado Mini Pack station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Desperado Mini Pack station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Now Hear This station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2019 GK Contenders station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to Alternative Desperado station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to Hottest station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to Featured Songs station! |
IMP Congratulations! Your song 'Defenseless' is now #23 on the Kayak Big 25! |
IMP Your song 'Light It Up' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2019 GK Contenders station! |
IMP Your song 'Light It Up' has just been added to Desperado Pop station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Desperado Pop station! |
IMP Congratulations! Your song 'Defenseless' is now #21 on the Kayak Big 25! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to Desperado Pop station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to Heavy Rotation station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to AOR (All Over the Road) station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to AOR Overflow station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to Calling All Angels station! |
IMP Your song 'Light It Up' has just been added to PopUp Desperado Vol. 4 station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to PopUp Desperado Vol. 4 station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to PopUp Desperado Vol. 4 station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to GKEW Radio Burst station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to PICK station! |
IMP Your song 'Captain America' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station! |
IMP Your song 'Heartbeat' has just been added to PICK station! |
IMP Your song 'Light It Up' has just been added to MOVE FM - a Desperado Revue station station! |
IMP Your song 'Defenseless' has just been added to NORM FM - a Desperado Revue station station! |
6/21/2020 11:23:55 AM
Last pageview at: 2/19/2025 1:57:24 PM
Pageviews: 7535
www.nicki.kris.com |
https://www.facebook.com/NickiKrisMusic |