Space Station is an electronic / ambient / progressive music, the project started in 2006 ."Bernard Lampreia is the Portuguese based, composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist guitarist, keyboardist ,concentrating on electronic ,ambient new age and progressive rock styles, He started his musical life at age 9, at the Instituto Musical Victor Matono school . Had previous music experience playing the guitar and the keyboards on diverse music projects .bands and as a music producer before 1985 ,but also to be a song writer and keyboardist on the portuguese progressive rock band, (Antartida) . But a couple of years later, he discovered the electronic ambient space scene and he rapidly gained interest to learn the ways to produce this style of music. . Bernard Lampreia - has been a full time musician, composer, producer and writing music for portuguese tv and média. In 2007/2008 the music of Space station, airplays on Radioshows in (Portugal, Germany, Denmark, Spain and United States)...... Space station debut album will be released soon.....
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