SuperPuss I have 43 brightly colored mice singing pop songs in cantonese in my shower right now!! They are 'Outside Everything' and the song is on my page!! :-D =^.^=
reverse First - some vital information that has to be squeezed into this space before the space runs out and no more typing can be done by any sane person worthy of the name. It has come to our notice that since the nineteenth of January in the year of our lord t
reverse hirteen sixty-seven, that the impregnation of young girls by means of the Brooks' Pivot. This device was invented in 1766 by Rosamund Mercer and was intended to spare young girls the indignity of sexual intercourse and other godless activities. Unfortunat
SuperPuss I was wandering round your false teeth when I spotted an incandescent donkey selling string theory to the filaments in a house brick. The song, visible in the background, was SuperPuss Theme... Thanks guys =^.^=
Marc Hi ! New tracks on my page, have a listen please !
raymond porter the world is made of green cheese
reverse And now after all that fuss, we have two new tracks for your perusal - 'Lonely Michael's Hungry Eyes' and 'Don't Take It!' Listen and weep!
WJU Please check out my new song Towers of Babylon? Thanx!
reverse We are currently in a fight with Willima J.Urmson. We have him in a headlock at the moment, but he has a loaded crossbow!
reverse Thanks for the add - once again, we find ourselves on top of SuperPuss
reverse Christ on a bike, as they say. Those people, so-called 'reverse', have another song for you to listen to after all this thyme. It's called 'I Wish I Was Friends With Some Lesbians' and it...(fill in possible end to sentence here)
reverse Us again! Due to computer fuckery, our songs Lonely Michael and 'Being Of Ye Gyrls Of Convent Garden have fallen off your station. If you'd like to re-include them, we'd be delighted (and not a little aroused!).