Signup Artist
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appears in the right column of the artist page; limited html ok

private or public sites where Artist's songs, info, or other related content are hosted -
format: http://

limited html ok -
bio,history, current news, style, genres, members, etc. - any information  of interest

Your new artist page will be created with the information shown above, and you will be taken to a page to complete the process. You can then begin uploading songs!
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Artist Name Password Artist Email Contact Name Contact Email (Contact Email is for administrative contact, can be same as artist email - MUST BE ACCURATE - used for automated account verification. Within 72 hours, a message will be sent to this address and you must be able to reply. ) (will also be used as the artist's login id) (create the password you will use to login) (private, for use by ArtistMail - your address will not be shown) City State Country Artist Genre Artist Info Main Artist Page Image Links Artist News and Happenings (what genre best represents this artist? - optional)                                          ©2015-2016                                          All Rights Reserved    