Perhaps no other band has gotten more mileage out of the element of surprise than the Bacon Brothers. Through countless gigs and five albums--including the new White Knuckles--surprising people is something the band has gotten quite good at since forming some 11 years ago. Put simply, at each tour stop, the Bacon Brothers encounter cynical or curious listeners expecting no more than a vanity project. What they encounter instead is a group of guys who can actually play.

White Knuckles

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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Johnny B. O.K. I dig it. I have added you to our Big Dog Radio. Please check us out @ Big Dogs That Talk. I think you'll dig it, too. All the best to ya'll.
* Your song 'White Knuckles' has just been added to Music for the Ears station!
* Your song 'White Knuckles' has just been added to Pink mOnKeY Radio station!
* Your song 'White Knuckles' has just been added to SQURLY'S GOLDEN NUGGETS station!
* Your song 'White Knuckles' has just been added to Muriel Cigars station!
Muriel I'm freakin' speechless! I love this sound. an't wait to hear more.
* Your song 'White Knuckles' has just been added to Tax & Regulate Cannabis 2010 station!
IMP Your song 'White Knuckles' has just been added to WHERE THE MIGHTY RIVERS MEET-Genre Soup station!
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Last pageview at: 12/4/2024 7:18:36 PM
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The Bacon Brothers