The Bribes move steadily on, dear readers. Look upon their musical video with awe, feast your eyes upon their sumptuous photograph shoots, then drink deeply of their rich musical ambrosia.
The UK is right, Playboy's own Zayla Lucia is right, The Cavern's promoters' right, me Mum, Shelby and that cleaning lady at work who heard our demo is right:

The Bribes Rock!

Tuesday Nights
Just cant figure out why girls get so dressed up to go to the bar!! Its only a Tuesday Night!

Alternative Pop Rock

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Last logged in: 6/6/2013 4:01:11 AM         Pageviews:  6735
Jody The Bribes suck
Shaun sounds great!
TIm Jody, I'm gonna hunt you down and gut you like a pig!!!
Jody A bit tetchy considering your music's a load of crap.
Trev Pretty bloody good!
* Your song 'Tuesday Nights' has just been added to Every Tuesday station!
IMP Your song 'Tuesday Nights' has just been added to Every Tuesday station!
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Msg  Go!

For the lastest news on the boys mischief please go to

Viva La Bribes
Groovy Tuesday

3/10/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 9/18/2024 3:04:02 PM
Pageviews: 6735

The Bribes