MUNKIE is the alter-ego of Jason Clark, Producer, Composer, Musician and Remixer. The music he creates is a sonic art-form containing elements of different genres, it creates visual images in the mind, stirs the emotions. The best way to describe this truly original downtempo / electro style music is a long chilled drink that is made up of seventies funk, eighties electro / synth-pop, ska & punk ideals, psychedelic & new wave weirdness with world music to add the flavour. Jo Cowap from Zejo Music put it best with - “MUNKIE music is a fantastic blend of ambience and haunting vocals. It’s the kind of album you would put on when you are chilling with a bottle of wine in a candlelit atmosphere, and hopefully someone to enjoy it with. Because you will want to spread the word once you’ve had the total chill out experience this music offers”

Born in Essex, grew up in Torbay, Devon but is now living in Leeds. “After moving around the country in the early part of my life I feel that this formed my writing style, with never having that sense of belonging. I have always looked on aspects of life from an outsiders point of view, being intrigued by people and personalities”, this inquiring imagination can be heard on both his albums, with the second album “Chemical Process” exploring the darker reaches of the human mind. Most of his musical influences are from the 70s and early 80s ranging from David Bowie, The Specials, Joy Division, The Clash to Kraftwerk, RUN DMC and Depeche Mode, this is reflected in his unique music style.

With tracks from both albums currently receiving radio airplay and heavy promotion on the internet through ringtones & digital distribution. The track "Antidote to Strychnine" from the new album “Chemical Process”, has been included into a compilation CD released through Soundlab Entertainment, is currently #5 in the Garageband Indepenent Charts and is being used as part of the O'Neil advertising campaign. Jason is now also writing Film & TV music for various publishers.

Jason and Kate met at the Leeds College of Music where they were both studying, with Jason having an extensive background in music production and composition having been a semi-pro DJ for a while working in clubs around Essex and London, playing guitar in an Indie Band called "Deel" touring the South of England and creating remixes for various labels. He won the Media Records back catalogue to remix in 1998, then created a remix of the BECK track “Mixed Bizness”. Other remixes followed over the next couple of years (Fatboy Slim, Tweaker, Baldwin Brothers, Liberty X), then through advice given by Andy Mac of Skint Records he decided to concentrate more on promoting his own music to become known. Jason say’s; “The best thing so-far was getting the O’Neil contract, I can’t wait to hear my music on the TV"

After creating some early songs without “live” vocals, Kate being an accomplished vocalist, was brought in add extra edge to some tracks where needed. Through tireless promotion and hard work MUNKIE is now starting to get some recognition, to this end have been asked to supply promo videos to cable TV networks in the USA. Jason has a clearly defined vision with his music and wants to be seen as a composer, producer and remixer with a unique style that is easily recognised.

Jason says, “I love making music and enjoy all the creative aspects of music production. The reason is I enjoy the reaction from people when they listen to what I have created whether positive or negative. I like to think that somehow I can make a difference to someone’s day.”

At some point in life we fall so in love with someone that you cannot even think of living without them, you want to spend every moment with them, share experiences and your lives together. That they will be your antidote to the bad things in life. An ambient lo-fi style track with a seventies funk / soul feel. 90bpm in Bb minor with female vocals.

Down Tempo Electronic

Some people are trying too hard to change themselves and future generations to be this perfect human body through cosmetic surgery and genetic alterations, they just can’t accept who they are and what they look like. We will end up all looking the same - diversity is what makes us unique. A 140bpm Electro track in C minor using programmed sounds and a computerised vocal

Down Tempo Electronic

By being infatuated or obsessed with someone you long to be with them. You go out of your way to be near them or speak to them. But they don’t know that you exist. A slow triphop / electro style track with an industrial / funk / dub style lead synth, in A minor at 90 bpm with a breathy female lead vocal.

Down Tempo Electronic

More Precious than Gold
Certain aspects of modern society put possessions higher in priority over life, the idea for this came about when I read an article that a person was killed for £20 and a few worthless possessions in their own home. Insanity is taking over. 140bpm Experimental Industrial Electro style track in D minor with computerised vocals

Down Tempo Electronic

Shatter the Circles
You have just lost someone who was your life, your everything. Your whole body aches with pain, sobbing so much that your entire body is shaking with grief. The song came to me when remembering the agony of losing someone close, watching the tears drop into a pool of water and the circles being shattered by the next tear. A minimal ambient track at 100bpm in A minor.

Down Tempo Electronic

Torn Apart
Things happen for a reason, they can be completely out of your control. But they still shock you, even if you knew it was coming and tear your world apart. A funky disco/house style track at 115 bpm in A minor with ambient synths and female vocals.

Down Tempo Electronic

DMD Compact Disc Online
Chemical Process
This is a darker, more intellectual affair whilst still retaining some of the characteristics of the debut. It takes a look at human emotions and life from depression (In my darkened room) and sadness (shatter the circles) to love (antidote to strychnine) and courage (cry no more tears). This album will take you on an ambient, "chilled" journey exploring different personalities. In the downtempo / electro style but with a dark ambient edge, this has an experimental style. Being influenced by many different genres of music has shaped this unique sound. This album is a superb quality slice of ambient song-writing, playing and vocalising, as the tracks unfold to perfection, with stunning composition on the entire album.

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Last logged in: 5/31/2009 5:00:00 PM         Pageviews:  15611
* Your song 'FIRE IN MY HEART' has just been added to herr gau station!
* Your song 'ANTIDOTE TO STRYCHNINE' has just been added to ^^^Steppin' Stones^^^ station!
* Your song 'FIRE IN MY HEART' has just been added to Alizarine FM station!
* Your song 'ANTIDOTE TO STRYCHNINE' has just been added to Tech Chill station!
* Your song 'ANTIDOTE TO STRYCHNINE' has just been added to Airspace station!
IAC Your song 'ANTIDOTE TO STRYCHNINE' has just been added to Selections from "Now Playing at IAC" station!
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MUNKIE have signed a deal with O'Neil clothing to use the tracks "Antidote to Strychnine" and "Thin Skin" in their winter advertising campaign.

"Antidote to Strychnine" was broadcast on Sky TV show - Pulse Rated between 11pm and Midnight (GMT) on the 26th Feb 2006. see for details on the show.

""Antidote to Strychnine" is also available on the compilation "Ra'mien" released by Soundlab Entertainment.

We are currently organising an original style video promo for this single. If there are any animators that would be interested in getting involved with this project then please let me know.

The new album "Dark Corners" is currently being recorded and is a more funkier affair but still keeping the dark mellow edge.

MUNKIE merchandise is now available via the sunshine music website, just click on the link and choose the SHOP logo on the menu.

They are currently working on a live set to hopefully get on the road sometime this year, sign up to the newsletter on the Sunshine Music website to be kept informed.

MUNKIE are now published through Mohican Records

“Chemical Process”

Reviewed by: Jo Cowap for Zejo

Munkie have been around for over three years now and frankly I’m surprised they aren’t a household name… The latest album, Chemical Process, is a fantastic blend of ambience and haunting vocals. It’s the kind of album you would put on when you are chilling with a bottle of wine in a candlelit atmosphere, and hopefully someone to enjoy it with. Because you will want to spread the word once you’ve had the total chill out experience this album offers.
Each of the 11 tracks has a personality from Fire in my heart where the emotion pumps out the speakers to the beat sounds from Dream of you (in colours). It would be hard to choose a favourite but if I had to, mine would be the title track, Chemical Process, which wafted me back to the 80’s with it’s experimental electronica reminiscent of Gary Numan.

Munkie have said that they would like to believe their music would make a difference to someone’s day. Well done guys, you made my day and Chemical Process will remain at the top of my fave tracks for a long time to come.

MUNKIE: Chemical Process (Andy Garibaldi – Dead Earnest)

The second album from this seriously up and coming ambient song-based duo of Kate Peters on vocals and Jason Clark handling all the music, is a success. In many ways it's more mature than the first one, in that the debut album really fired on all cylinders, while this one, still a powerful affair, uses its power a lot more dynamically, with a much more brooding feel to many of the pieces, this aspect most obvious in a track such as the four minute 'Fire In My Heart' which employs seriously chunky electronic drums, a wicked dub-bass that will have your teeth fillings rattling, acres of splendid, expansive synths, even more overlays and atmospherics from the electronics, a slight Asian feel and, above all this, the heavenly, angelic voice of Kate Peters slides gracefully through the song, the effect absolutely magical, so powerful, so restrained and so gorgeous, all at the same time. With 11 songs ranging from three to five minutes, the full effect is on view, with some tracks a bit more sprightly and commercial, while a song like 'Shatter The Circles' is just so full of heavenly passion and beautiful instrumentation, as strings, synths, piano, electro-percussive rhythms and deep bass supply the backdrop to a smoothly flowing vocal from the gorgeous voice of Ms Peters. In the tradition of most really good second albums, this is not as instant as the first, but it only takes second listen to realise what a superb quality slice of ambient song-writing, playing and vocalising, this is, as the tracks unfold to perfection, not a less than stunning composition on the entire album. In the vein of things such as Massive Attack (only, in my opinion, way more enjoyable), this band just get better and better - somebody sign them up - NOW!!!!

Having reviewed his other album, I feel a bit apprehensive as to what Munkie's done with himself since. Thankfully, this album is a mix of the sublime, the dark and the cheerful. Munkie has another cracking CD here, mixing dark synths, gorgeous vocals and some of the funkiest, downbeat drum patterns I've heard in ages. It's fair to say that 'Chemical Process' elevates Munkie into a bone fide artiste.
Opener 'Antidote To Strychnine' is a mellow piece of downbeat electronica, complete with some of the haziest, melancholic vocals ever. The sweeping synths and the minor chords whip about the track, giving it the edge that most 'chill out' (god, I hate that phrase) music lacks. In a word, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
The album then changes pace, and from the sublime we go to dark via the up tempo. 'Dream Of You (In Colours)' is a happy-ish big beated effort, whilst 'More Precious Than Gold' is just plain scary in parts, with its vocodered (and not like Cher) vocals and its sinister synths, it really does give you the creeps. In a good way though. Fire In My Heart' is reminiscent of a Massive Attack if they weren't so paranoid from smoking weed all the time. Pulsating bass lines, trippy beats and soft synths all slowly bounce around like bubbles in a lava lamp. Oh, and those vocals... Kate Peters- you have one seductive voice.
The 808 comes out on '(We Are) Automated', which sounds like a weird mesh of early 80s electro a lá Afrika Bambataa/ Man Parrish, and Kraftwerk. Actually, it's not that weird as Afrika sampled 'Trans Europe Express' didn't he? Well, anyway, that's beside the point. The tinny, busy beats zip about, there are more sweeping synths and some more husky vocals.
The album's latter half starts with a paranoid, edgy instrumental (the title track) and the beautiful 'Shatter The Circles', featuring some gorgeous acoustic guitar, subtle piano and some more of Peters' fine singing. On 'Thin Skin' there's deep, haunting synths, quiet clicks from the drum machine and some acoustic guitar somewhere. It's slightly eerie, yet strangely heavenly. The last three are business as usual ('Torn Apart'), ever so noir ('In My Darkened Room') and the hazy ('Cry No More Tears'). It works well though, and the album retains its cohesion and consistency, yet at the same time using different dynamics to achieve it.
Jason Clark has yet again proved that he's a talented young man. The production on this album is something to be proud of. The layered synths, processed beats and programmed everything-else are not easy to achieve, trust me. Yet he's put so much attention to detail into every track here, it's hard to fault. Yeah, some tracks are better than others, but even on the ones that aren't to your taste you can still applaud the production and the effort in which it's taken to make it.
Kudos to Clark/ Peters, you always make me smile...
Review written by: Gavin Miller (Leeds Music Scene)

Alizarine FM
Radio Aurora
It's Electric!!
2005 Planet Earth Electronic
Sexual Appetizer 4PLAY-FM
herr gau
Chill The Surroundings
Cyborg Station
Inertia Creeps
OUTERLIMITS Advanced Transmissions
Strange Addiction
Spirit of 101
Chill Zone Five
BeST for MY TAsTE - Electronic
Music That Moves Me
Hypnogoddess Cyberbroadcast
why didn't you just say so?
Until The End of Time
Electric Moonlight
Logun's Pick
Out To Lunch
The Station
Selections from "Now Playing at IAC"
The Electric Company
Chill Zone Vox
Tech Chill
srm, etc

10/23/2010 8:42:35 PM
Last pageview at: 7/26/2024 5:03:02 PM
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