I'm going Home


One more Time


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Judy Diko

6/20/2014 12:30:36 AM
Luuurrv this song uncle Joe! Listening to it over and over :-), what a foresight to be united with the Creator and Redeemer of man, hopefully soon!! I think i need to get a CD from you and Louie. Stunning!


3/17/2012 11:31:59 AM
our father bless you and be your beacon alway's... pip

Joe Sellidon

6/10/2008 9:36:27 AM
Praise God from whom all blessings flow....Whow I never thought my song would reach 57 on the charts,,,and thats all because of all those faithfull listerners...Allow me to say thank you you've proved the song bless your heart and souls keep on listening and I will appreciate your feedback in this column...a BIG thank you to my producer you're da bomb...there is more coming LUV ya all..God Bless



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Last logged in: 6/3/2013 12:10:47 PM         Pageviews:  20704
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to Mighty Fortress (Franck Doristil's ) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to LIVING WATER (Franck DORISTIL's) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to The Coming King (Franck's TCK Radio) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to Mighty Fortress (Franck Doristil's ) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to LIVING WATER (Franck DORISTIL's) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to The Coming King (Franck's TCK Radio) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to Mighty Fortress (Franck Doristil's ) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to LIVING WATER (Franck DORISTIL's) station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to Mighty Fortress (Franck Doristil's ) station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to LIVING WATER (Franck DORISTIL's) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to Don't You Go Blaming The Lord station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to Mighty Fortress Radio (F.Doristil's ) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to LIVING WATER Radio (Franck DORISTIL's station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to The Coming King Radio (F.Doristil's) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to EaglesWay Radio station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to AWESOME!!! station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to AWESOME!!! station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to OLD GOSPEL/NEW GOSPEL station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to Inet Inspiration 365 Radio station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to INET Glory 365 Indie Radio station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to QUIET TIME CORNER station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to The Coming King Radio (F.Doristil's) station!
* Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to Serenity Radio station!
* Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to Serenity Radio station!
IAC Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to CAST South Africa station!
IAC Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to CAST South Africa station!
IAC Your song 'I'm going Home' has just been added to Gospel Flight station!
IAC Your song 'One more Time' has just been added to Gospel Flight station!
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Joe is currently busy recording his first CD.
Joe avail himself for any invitations any where in the world.
All churches,youth groups and organizations are free to email South African SonRise at
Modern Psalms
Mighty Fortress Radio (F.Doristil's )
South African Son Rise
CAST South Africa
The Coming King Radio (F.Doristil's)
Gospel Flight

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Christian Explainers   You are blessed
Louie Fortune   Blessed
Louie Fortune   God bless you brother

6/20/2014 7:30:32 AM
Last pageview at: 2/1/2025 9:05:04 AM
Pageviews: 20704


Joe Sellidon