we are 5, lost, souls, on the road
waiting for the night to come

4 elektro punks
+1 femme fatale

1 album (11 tracks) finished two months ago (june 2008)

live fast, die young
drink your wine
taste the life you own



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Last logged in: 6/5/2013 5:41:59 PM         Pageviews:  16044
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to ELECTROLYTES station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Fresh station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to The K-shell station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to New Releases Sampler station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to more mighty songs station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' is now #49 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Larree Ringtones station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Prime Cuts station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Indie sound of America and beyond station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Information Consumer Control station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to lalala station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Heavy Rotation station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Acid Rain station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Indie sound of America and beyond station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Ice Station Zebra station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Auf der gleichen Wellenlänge station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Remix, Remaster, Redistribute, HAVE FUN! station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to the Darkness, the Dirt station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Larree on iTunes station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to Haiti Earthquake Relief station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to In the Pocket station!
* Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to The Cyanide Chamber station!
IMP Your song 'TAKE ME HOME' has just been added to WHAM FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
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Msg  Go!

Last Gig:

Meride Sunsplash Festival (Meride, Switzerland)


We look for booking
WHAM FM - a Desperado Revue station
Indie sound of America and beyond
Ice Station Zebra
the Darkness, the Dirt
The Cyanide Chamber
Station Staging Area
Information Consumer Control
Das Boot
more mighty songs
Prime Cuts
Heavy Rotation Archive
In the Pocket
The K-shell

3/11/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 2/1/2025 2:10:45 PM
Pageviews: 16044
