A very talented artist....
We are so pleased to be able to share your music and friendship David. It is a privilege and an honour to hear the music of a fine artist conveying chapters of his life in lyrics and song. Your music portrays vivid pictures of places that you have lived and memories of times lived through. This is precious and it cannot be bought, the sound of someone's heart is a living thing. With our very best wishes, From Maria & Paul xx
Maria Daines 6-20-2005

Two Bits
Two Bits is an awkward look at how the perceptions of "right and fair" have change since 1964, where the song begins, and 1997, when it was written

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Breaking Murphy's Law
I wrote this song as part of an exercise to a student in "generic lyric form" it has become my most popular recording

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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* Your song 'Breaking Murphy's Law' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'Breaking Murphy's Law' has just been added to THE BLACK SHEEP station!
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singer songwriter is resting comfortablty in sub-zero region of N.E. Ohio while continuing to recooperate and working on new material for his repertiore

3/15/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 11/27/2024 4:45:24 PM
Pageviews: 11483


David Gerrard