With the release of THIS TOO SHALL BURN’s first full album FOR THE GODS the members of the band look forward to bringing their music and engaging performance to everyone. This band seems as if from another age. When the music and the message was what it was all about. Familiar yet unique, like something you know, but have not heard before. Durring a time when everything is being force fed celebrity dribble, icons of nothingness and the vaguer of acceptability, pulling the guts of the core of what was once a mighty machine, more than a freight train, taking it to the next level of explosive energy while crafting meticulously the structure like an ancient architect perfecting. THIS TOO SHALL BURN, the raw sonic energy that blows you back and makes you want to force yourself forward into the thrust wave Music and lyrics equally matched expressively flowing throughout.

Stare At The Sun

Heavy Rock

Shut My Eyes

Heavy Rock

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9/3/2011 12:56:40 PM


9/3/2011 10:25:55 AM
At my age, I don't usually listen to hard music but I love this. The message is so true.. The lyrics would have been perfect for the 60's revolution and the're even more true now! I'm ashamed to say that my generation is involved in doing the same things we demonstrated against in the 60's.



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