Pirate Eye Patch was born in 2002 in the quaint but effective Kitchen Studios of Indian Trail, NC. PEP is the brainchild of producer Bryan Verrone. He is originally from Washington DC, attended Hight Point University where he studied English communications and Art. Bryan married and moved to the Charlotte, NC suburbs with his wife and 3 daughters. He began the brainstorm project PEP as an outlet for his creative ability and natural affinity for beats. Bryan utilized instruments from all genres to creat an innovative, creative, jazzy directive, and introspective piece of audible art. The rhythms of PEP are drawn from an appreciation for across-the-board captivating sounds. Verrone encompasses his love for jazz, blue grass, hip-hop, Latin and techno musical genres to create an experimental sample of what could be termed Elated Sound Experience!

buffalo bills anthem of the indian ring


DMD Compact Disc Online
Repeat Order *EP*
sophmore release from Pirate Eye Patch- Advanced EP release

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Last logged in: 6/2/2013 7:51:35 AM         Pageviews:  7835
* Your song 'buffalo bills anthem of the indian ring' has just been added to Tribal Sovereignty station!
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PEP is in the studio putting the finishing touched on the new album

Also working wih ELiH in the studio for a full album release under the artist named ELiH
the music maniac
Tribal Sovereignty

3/30/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/2/2024 4:31:22 PM
Pageviews: 7835


Pirate Eye Patch