Philos60's music is based on spontaneous inspiration and expressed immediately by a musical improvisation. Vocals, melody and rhythm are improvised at the same time and recorded live. His music is called TVI-Music: Total Vocalistic Improvisation.

Close to You - Blues Ballad
This Blues Ballad with the keyboard improvised mediates a feeling to be "Close to You".

Blues Ballad

Missing You For Two
The loving one gives a dear promise to his loving... It is left to the fantasy of the listener to imagine the contents of the promise; because language and guitar playing are improvised. TVI-Music: Total Vocalistic Improvisation.

Alternative Pop Rock

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Last logged in: 11/24/2015 1:52:16 AM         Pageviews:  14145
Lauri Your in the top 2 today on the salad bar ;)
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Msg  Go! 11/24/2015 9:07:29 AM
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