Billy Stark Stone w/ Rico Blythe is a new project featuring the aforementioned. Billy Stark Stone was the lead singer/founding member of NYC's original teen punk band The Blessed. Rico Blythe was the guitarist in a later incarnation of the same that resulted in the release of an EP titled 'Taboo' that sold out it's initial run. Now Billy and Rico have teamed up to create this exciting new enterprise. Beginning with the release of their new single "Revolution Rerun" they have recently finished the ‘Official’ video for "Revolution Rerun" (including a "Making of/Behind the scenes video") and a new photo shoot and are excited all this can be seen on their newly launched ‘Official’ website:
Coming up next will be their next two singles which will be released simultaneously... According to Billy "Everything I have done up to now was a dress it's SHOWTIME!”
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�2015-2016 Indie Music
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