George Rios,is a forth generation Texan he is very proud of his tejano roots.
He considers himself a late bloomer when it comes to songwriting. He’s a 10 year member of the Georgetown Songwriters Group and considers himself very fortunate to be a part of these very talented songwriters.

There is one special song written and performed by George Rios called “Brand New Day”, which will be released very soon and available on all music streaming websites. It’s a ballad about Beverly and George’s son Erik Parker. Erik was a loving, charismatic and artistic soul who helped many people who were struggling with addiction. Erik was was deeply touched by the song especially since it was written about his success in recovery. Unfortunately Erik passed away from an accidental overdose in December 2019. Beverly and George together have raised five sons. The story has touched the hearts of people across the country, and it continues to tug at the heartstrings of George Rios, a loving father, and a wonderful singer/songwriter.

Brand New Day
There is one special song written and performed by George Rios called “Brand New Day”, which will be released very soon and available on all music streaming websites. It’s a ballad about Beverly and George’s son Erik Parker. Erik was a loving, charismatic and artistic soul who helped many people who were struggling with addiction. Erik was was deeply touched by the song especially since it was written about his success in recovery. Unfortunately Erik passed away from an accidental overdose

The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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Steve April

9/1/2023 8:23:23 PM
Added up your song "Brand New Day" to m'station, quite a performance there, melody/lyrics/production yeah, quite a hard-won experience you manage to convey, with happenin' musicality...



Verity Keen

9/1/2023 2:32:15 AM
Thanks for adding your (Erik's) song to IMP, your story was sad and touching



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George Rios