Frantic Bleep from Norway was founded in November 2001 by Patrick Scantlebury (guitars, synth), Eywin Sundstrøm (guitars) and Karl Arthur Renstrøm (drums). The band wanted to combine their inspirations together and yet concentrate on a path that is their own and uniquely distinctive.
The group immediately started to write music, and in November 2002 they released four songs for their first (and only) demo CD called ‘Fluctuadmission’. During the recording Paul Mozart Bjørke (Vocals, Bass) joined the group as a studio member.

Describing the music of Frantic Bleep is not an easy task, as they mix many influences with considerable creativity and a strong sense of melody while retaining a high level of heaviness. Originality is a key factor for the band. Striving to always craft dynamic/experimental material will ensure no two songs will sound alike. Still, the band’s music remains focused, and chaos never takes control.

Although a debut demo, the sound on ‘Fluctuadmission’ was tight, elaborate and mature, being received with admirable excitement by both press and fans alike. It also caught label attention quickly. The band received quite a few offers and decided to sign worldwide with The End Records in the summer of 2003.

Karl Arthur Renstrøm was replaced by Sten Erik Svendheim in July 2003, and the band began the recording of their debut album, ‘The Sense Apparatus’, in October of 2003. The recording was a major project, taking a whole year to complete (it was finished in October 2004). ‘The Sense Apparatus’ features 41 minutes of the most dramatic and massive music ever recorded by a metal band, including amazing production by Patrick Scantlebury and stunning artwork by Christian Ruud. The album also features Kjetil Fosseid, Daniel Solheim and Agnete M. Kirkevaag (Madder Mortem) performing various vocal duties.

‘The Sense Apparatus’ is due for release in February 2005 through The End Records. Earache/Elitist has licensed the album for Europe, which further proves the band’s extreme potential.

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But a Memory

dark rock

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Last logged in: 6/8/2013 1:22:47 AM         Pageviews:  13144
Lauri You are back in the top 2 again today at Huminuhs Harder Side finds :)
Post Apocalyptic I think you're a really good band, and deserve more recognition in the metal world, but your band name could have easily put me off before I'd even heard a thing if I was searching bands by genre from a list.
Post Apocalyptic In my opinion you have the potential to attract a lot more fans if you had a better name
* Your song 'But a Memory' has just been added to Radio SIX13 station!
* Your song 'But a Memory' has just been added to Danzig2008 station!
* Your song 'But a Memory' has just been added to Black Label station!
* Your song 'But a Memory' has just been added to The Speed of Dark station!
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Last pageview at: 3/10/2025 3:03:12 PM
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Frantic Bleep