Liquid Lab Entertainment Presents...
Tha Lab Ratz
The group is formed with members that are not only Entertainers, they are also Producers.
Manish Wayz (Manish)
Short Stop (Angie Apple Martini)
Surplus (Plus)
JT (Tha Alies)
Young Tae (Tae)
Why these names?
Well, the names were given to eachother by the other members. The names tell a story about us.
Do you play live?
At the present time we are not performing. We are working on a compilation and we are looking to add artist from other areas.
How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
In some ways we fell that it is a great way to promote the works of indie labels/artist, but at the same time when people do illegal things with the internet when it comes to MP3's it can hurt those people trying "Pay Their Dues."
Would you still sign a record contract with a major label?
Well As a company we would some day hope to sign under a major label.
Band History:
Members are from a previous record label that decided to form one company.
Your influences?
We are not so much influenced but inspired by r&b, rap, hip-hop, and some live bands.
Favorite spot?
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�2015-2016 Indie Music
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