During the 90's when David was working in the music industry as a song plugger and copyright administrator for two major music publishing companies in Nashville, he had a strong desire to write, arrange and perform his own music. Working with some of the top songwriters in the industry gave David a unique opportunity to learn from the best. But in the late 90's a career turn took him away from the music city and back to his home state of Kentucky. Little did he know that during those years, those life experiences would provide much of the inspiration for his upcoming project "Prodigal". Using a unique combination of traditional and modern electronic musical elements, "Prodigal" is an inspirational and moving project. "Prodigal" presents a personal and honest collection of songs that could be described as the soundtrack for the life story of the Prodigal Son. But, it also reflects some of David's life experiences over the last 8 years that have led to the knowlege of true forgiveness and grace from a loving and gracious God. Look for a CD release in May of '06.

The Prodigal
This reflective, heartfelt song was inspired by the life story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). This is the title track for the upcoming David Acton CD release "Prodigal" (May '06). "Prodigal" will include other instrumental songs such as this one as well as songs featuring David Acton vocals and unique production that combines traditional orchestral instrumentation with electronic, ambient and pop elements.

New Age

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David Acton