After the demise of their previous four piece, ""The Chosen"", who spent much of their time playing to people who just happened to be drinking in the dives that allowed live music to be played there, the guitarist (Kev D) and vocalist (Dave V) slipped back into writing and recording and both became multi-instrumentalists and, by necessity computer recording converts. They then started to develop their own recording techniques, in an attempt to cut out all the dodgy middle men and waster musicians that they had previously encountered. And here they are today... their music is probably best described as pop-rock but with them it is the song that rules rather than the genre, sound or style.
Through The Sun
This song was written by Kev Dorricott (Music) and Dave Vickers(Lyrics) over a couple of sessions. The intention was to create a consistent groove with a laid back feel, the arrangement is simple, guitar, bass, drums,vocals and a little synth strings to add mood and texture. The guitar is simple throughout adding just enough interest to complement the vocals without obscuring them. The vocals in this track are hauntingly sullen but the lyrics are meaningful, yet generic enough for the listener t
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