EL after being graciously invited into a film group and mentored/inspired by Movie Director, Demian Lichtenstein (3000 Miles to Graceland) The Forbidden Love short film/video has been released on Darksideoftheisland.com April 29th, 2006.

The film/video produced, written and starring EL was filmed by Director Bruce Snyder and made in collaboration with Wayne Barneschi owner of the "Trail of Terror", www.trailofterror.com

The Forbidden Love video is the first in a series of videos, photos, stories, music and journal entries that tell the tale of "Raven Mae" complete with codes and clues to the unfolding story. Watch carefully........

"Forbidden Love" was selected for the Winter Music Conference CD 2005 held in South Beach, Miami, Florida.

"My Inspiration" reached #2 on Billboardtalentnet radio. EL became #6 favorite artist on the site, which appeared in Billboard Magazine.

"White Rabbit" aired on WSAM in West Hartford, CT. 106.3 FM, the DJ Paulie Show, syndicated on 417 radio stations in the US and Canada.

Forbidden Love
Dance with an Edge


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The Forbidden Love short film/video has been released on Darksideoftheisland.com April 29th, 2006.

Online Sunday night weekly Journals tell the story of "Raven Mae"

Saturday night, September 9th, 1659 (via 2006)
Celebrate Raven Mae's Birthday
Featuring performances by EL
and cast members from the TRAIL OF TERROR. 8:00PM - 10:00 PM
Costume contest with cash prizes for best turn of the 17th-19th century inspired outfit.
held at BAR - 254 Crown Street
New Haven, Connecticut

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