Al This music is Brian's Seren X - my favourite people picking their favourite songs - how much better can it get?
Ash heehe! you are cute! got your shout. You and I are two of a kind I think.
Ash Have fun at your gig today! Wish I were there.
Ash Great songs here. Summer Breeze. really nice performance. I haven't heard this artists music before. nice!
Betty Ash has to choose one, then up it goes...
Betty thanks a lot for all this, I really appreciate it
Betty thanks a lot for all this, I really appreciate it
Betty no, whenever I remember, I rotate the songs - I noticed that if I change the song order on my page, the play rate is affected, so I thought everyone shoulkd be first up on the serenduoity pages for a week or so at least
Betty (again) I've been awake for nearly 24 hours, please excuse typos
Phil Streets Thanks Al for adding Zeros and Ones to your station and for the kind words. You made my day.
Vicky Hey Al! I was looking at Fridge letter magnets the other day and couldn't help but smile! Hope you're doing well in that Yorkish place! :-)) Very nice page!!!!
srm You honour me more than I deserve. I can't help but be reciprocal (x2). BTW, I love your Alexei Sayle quote.
Jilly Just popped in because I noticed Young Al was active on the 'songs now playing' also noticed lots originated from myspace - don't understand that but I keep learning things - nice play list here.
Noel Lorica Thanks for adding me to you playlist. It really is a pleasant surprise. I'm also thankful because it is giving my songs additional hits as I can see on the new daily log. Appreciate it.
Al - Al Stravinsky Just found a moment to put together a little playlist - it's not complete yet, but I love each and every one of these people and their songs.
betty - 37158 Thanks for championing last Dance (you know, that spelling doesn't look right at all...)
Al The playlist is set for random play, so don't worry if you're at no. 10 or whatever, they all come around.
Al And before you ask, Bertie Bassett is a Sheffield lad too
JAWZ Hey this is spooky, came on to see why landlocked was getting so many plays and bumbed into Bertie Bassett - How did you know he was my hero - Jilly
JB bumbed = bumped of course
Jilly Have you heard my latest "L A S"
Jilly PS I put Bertie back, felt sorry that he missed out on his bit of glory
Gilly Ignore me Al - I just popped in to use the toilet.And have a bit of a nose around. Wel - ta-ta then.
Ramiro Bo