Elena is that rarest of things in 21st century rock music, a genuine outsider. A rock outfit fronted by one of the most distinctive, charismatic and passionate rock-chick in the world today.

Formed in late 2003, Elena signed with indie label Delicious Records in 2004 and started recording a debut album ³Glimpse², a collection of amazing stadium filler hit singles featuring a timeless fashionable retro guitar sounds.

Aside from the sheer quality of the songwriting (sassy, melodic, sinuous and lyrically uncompromising as it is) the most attention-grabbing aspect of Elena¹s records, is undoubtedly the remarkable lead singer¹s voice; a mercurial creature that can soar like a songbird and then growl like a mountain lion in the merest heartbeat; memorably described in Logo magazine as 'falling somewhere between Alison Goldfrapp¹s lupine howl, Marianne Faithfull¹s dissolute croon and Chris Martin¹s faltering, edge of orgasm stammer.'

As you can imagine rare talent plus great songs plus an original voice is a combination that¹s not gone unnoticed and Elena immediately attracted the kind of industry excitement that most bands can only dream about music industry bible ³Record Of The Day² recently honored both A & B sides of the single as such on consecutive days! - An almost unprecedented feat for any artist let alone for a comparatively new talent. NME, The Guardian, The Fly and more, soon followed with their reviews.



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