From a bedroom in a sleepy village in Sussex, England. To the so called ""buzztown"" of 2005, Montreal.The founder of ""The Dreams"", Nigel Hunt, has been all over the muscial map. Learning his trade in England with several experimental projects including the Glam rock iggy inspired outfit, Striptease. Who would of thought that this skinny teenager would have ended up causing musical waves in north America. Once he crossed the Atlantic he immediately made contact with Montreals 90's britpop band The bitter saints. After 3 years with them he started to diversify and began to moonlight with Montreal Chom L'esprit winners Hol'fader. While drumming for the band and co-writing he began experimenting with Samplers and computer assisted music building. His last project the Experimental electronic Lavalite gained great recognition on the web, charting on instantly to inspired reviews. Now with his newest incarnation The Dreams, Nigel Hunt seems to be realising the conglomoration of all his past endeavous. The sound of The Dreams is unique. Trippy yet solid, smooth grooves, great melodies and poingant lyrics, is what The dreams are all about. ""On their first release, Sleep Waking they have succeded in creating a fresh kind of sound that is so right for our time.

Lost in the music

Alternative Pop Rock

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The Dreams