Hi. My name is Stewart. I have been composing music since I was around 10 years old. I have always sought to create music that makes others feel the way I do when I'm listening to music that I love. This would be music that I heard growing up such as The Who, Genesis, Yes, Journey, Tom Petty, etc. I strive to create music that represents everything I've learned from studying and listening to the work of others rather than trying to sound like any single group or artist.

Chase the Sun
This is the first vocal composition I wrote. Its about 5 years old at this point. A typical sappy amature love song to the ears of most, I would assume. However, this song represents growth. In my life, it represents a transitional period when a person comes to understand the importance of self-identification and independence.

Piano Ballad

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Last logged in: 6/11/2013 1:51:35 AM         Pageviews:  10450
Stewart Comments?... Insults?... I'll take whatever I can get. Let me know what you think of the music. Thanks.
Muriel Loads of talent, Stewart. You should do well young man! Peace.
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3/14/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/2/2024 9:00:46 AM
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Stewart Bozarth