From Portland, OR , long time troubadour Justin Hopkins brings his first band project The Guilt to the forefront after years touring behind his solo project.
With a sound that could best be described as a sort of groovy gospel rock, The Guilt brings pop songs wrapped in serious tragedy. From their album Opener and title track ""Bastard of a Gentleman"" to the more moody Daniel (We failed You), a track devoted to Nathan Ybanez how murdered his mother and is now doing life w/o parole.
Look for their record to be completed in feburary and on the streets early spring. Coming next month you can hear Hopkins and The Guilt playing in the LA area. He'll be at the Paramount Theatre in LA, for In DEFENSE of ANIMALS benefit, hosted by paula abdul, and then Santa Barbara opening for Bob Schneider the 18th.
Band Members
justin hopkins
Jeff Bethke
Adam Gershon
Corey Britz
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