Hello Everybody!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out the tunes.
These songs are made to be played LOUD!-So krank it up!.
Every person who writes a (realistic) review of our music at CD Baby , itunes or any of our sites we send them a free band t-shirt or set of band picture coasters.Thanks everyone !
Our boring web site is being redone right now!
Go to www.thpband.com. -join our mailing list and each week we pick a person for free music or prizes.
New Members ! - June 16, 2007
Check on the (BIO) page for more info on our new members Jason Henderson(Drums)and Bill Fountain (guitar).
I have big news ! - May 2, 2007
Some bad, some good.
Russell Payne has left the band to spend more time with family-the good news is he has promised to help out on studio work.He will be missed by all of us!