
Alternative Pop Rock

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Last logged in: 6/9/2013 2:05:59 AM         Pageviews:  7166
* Your song 'Rain' has just been added to electronic and soundescapes station!
* Your song 'Rain' has just been added to Songs with "Rain" in the Title station!
* Your song 'Rain' has just been added to Only the rain station!
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Singing is dancing with the voice. It is another avenue of expression that can translate emotion, passion, ideas, and dreams like nothing else. The tongue is a two-edged sword that can decree life, but also death. If I use this gift well, I can reach passed indifference and find accord across borders, oceans, and cultures. If I could not sing I would slowly fade until there would only remain an idea of something once. Raised in a family of talented individuals, most of which sing, masterfully play instruments, act, dance, and the list goes on and on. I grew up writing songs and every chance I had I wanted to sing each song. My gracious father, only encouraged me, giving me the microphone in church after every request. Today, I have and continue to tour the world singing, dancing, acting, modeling, whatever. As long as I can express the most raw ideas of humanity, creativity, and imagination, I am happy. I pray you find me familiar, strange, askew, aligned, open, and closed. All qualities that we relate with and learn from as we grow. Keep expressing yourself because even your idiosyncrasies are comforting and liberating to many.
Only the rain
Songs with RAIN in the Title

3/30/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/2/2024 6:54:37 AM
Pageviews: 7166


Farrin La Var