Jarod's Song


I've Heard


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8/15/2007 10:06:32 PM
song was great,,, loved the drums, yeah baby!!!!!! oh yeah How bout thoes Amazins huh?


8/14/2007 4:53:19 PM
your son;s song isn't there yet,,,,,,,,,,hope to hear it soon , love ya bro

Andrew Baker

7/26/2007 1:35:11 AM
I found you brother Mike, and what a beautiful song. It is great to have you as part of the IAC family. You have a great music ministry going. Don't ever give up, keep your eye on the cross and your music ministry will be successfull and we can all give the Glory To God for the talents and the songs He has given us from on high. You are a wonderful blessing to me and as well as the church as our new worship leader. You are doing great things for God's kingdom.

Love You Bro,



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* Your song 'Jarod's Song' has just been added to Readburn Radio station!
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* Your song 'I've Heard' has just been added to FIVE SONGS-A-DAY station!
* Your song 'I've Heard' has just been added to FIVE SONGS-A-DAY station!
* Your song 'I've Heard' has just been added to FIVE SONGS-A-DAY station!
* Your song 'I've Heard' has just been added to FIVE SONGS-A-DAY station!
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Michael Geer