Song writing is a long and winding road. At times it is filled with potholes and squished dead animals and other moments are sunny drives down long straight highways heading into the middle of nowhere. Occasionally we arrive at a destination, but more often than not we are stuck on the side of the road trying to figure out what happened and why we are there. Our name is Quiet by Ten. Our songs are somewhere between the departure and the arrival. We have not yet accomplished what we dream, and yet we dream to accomplish what we already have. Blah, blah, blah … eloquent biography mumbo-jumbo … To speak plainly, our goal is to offer a deeper sense of beauty and truth to this dull existence we live in. Our universe is vast and ‘music’ is just as big. We don’t want to be another noisy sound in your stereo, we only want to speak from our own personal experience and create something worth singing about. Those are the songs that matter to us, songs that point to something bigger than ourselves. You decide whether or not our journey has been in vain. So for now, have a listen and stay classy.
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�2015-2016 Indie Music
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