There's no moon on the South Dakota highway as a box truck full of music equiptment cruises at a top speed of 60 mph and followed closely by a Toyota Camry full of sleeping musicians. The heavy eyelids behind the wheel of the box truck belong to Jon Harms. His brother, asleep next to him, is about to realize that trying to drive from Sioux City, Iowa after a latenight show all the way to Spearfish, South Dakota for a music festival the next afternoon might have been a bad idea. This realization strikes Dave as he awakens to find his brother asleep at the wheel and the box truck flying down the grassy median of the highway.

Later at the hotel everyone has jokes for Jon, but partly cloudy has learned a lesson from this. You may want to play as many shows as you can, but a little extra attention in planning could save your life. partly cloudy has learned many lessons like this one, but the one lesson they refuse to learn is that you can't make a living as an upstart muscian anymore. After touring to promote "State of Mind", partly cloudy realized that this is the only life they can live.

After parting with LIR due to contrary ideas over the direction of "Arm Your Weapons", partlycloudy recorded and released the EP independently and set up a tour that spans the country (excluding any +15 hour drives).

Hard work and determination along with a few simple ideas about what makes great music, this is the fuel that has kept the PC bus going. partly cloudy knows that you can never work too hard or write the perfect song and you have to stay true to who you really are both in your song writing and your performances. partly cloudy also believes that music should be intense and have a message, but as serious as we are at what we do, we don't take ourselves too seriously.

Arm Your Weapons
Slow, Dark, Powerful


...But To Me It's Everything
bi-polar rock


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