We got together a few months back and loved the synergy so we've just finished recording these new songs. We call what we do organic groove. It's pop/rock/soul. I sing and provide the etherial vibes through open-tuned acoustic guitars. Dave Allen supplies the big beats and Mark Gorman the memorable basslines. We now belong to a mutual admiration society called Being. We hope you appriciate it as much as we do.

It's a waltz basically. I like the swing in 3/4 so when the concept came it felt right for the songs vibe


Shining Star
That so near yet so far song. When you feel like your always one step away from connecting with that person.

The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.

Alternative Pop Rock

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Last logged in: 6/11/2013 8:05:59 AM         Pageviews:  7836
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* Your song 'Anywhere' has just been added to Trail Mix station!
* Your song 'So Know' has just been added to Trail Mix station!
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* Your song 'Shining Star' has just been added to Star Light ~ Star Bright station!
* Your song 'Anywhere' has just been added to Raymond Porters Pop Station station!
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Just finished mixing Anywhere and So know. This is a taste of things to come. A lot of people who have heard Anywhere think it's a single waiting to happen which is nice feedback for a new band to hear.
Trail Mix
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Enjoy These Choons

3/26/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/2/2024 8:57:50 AM
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