Well, where to begin ... In 1994 Matt Brown joined a band called Uranium 235 (A dance industrial metal group that toured the united states / canada / germany with bands like Type O Negative / Life of Agony / Misfits / Motorhead / God Lives Underwater and many more.) Billy Kelly was the original bass player in U235. During that time Billy and Matt met Sal Abruscato who was playing drums for Life of Agony. Anyway, fast forward to mid 2001 ... Uranium 235 Disbands. Matt Brown was moving on and needed somone to write music with, so he called Billy Kelly up and soon found that there was strong musical connection going on. Matt also found out that Billy Kelly can SING! So, they begin to work on material without a band. Soon after, Billy Kelly bumps into Sal Abruscato and informs him of what is going on. Billy Kelly went on tour with Type O Negative as a Bass Tech for a week and during that time, Sal Abruscato called Matt Brown looking for a band. They got together and wrote a song within the first 2 hours (later to be called ""FAKE"") Later that week, Type O Negative was playing at a local rock club in Brooklyn NY called Lamours. Matt and Sal went to the show with a CD-R of the material they just wrote and played it for Billy. He was so Psyched and had ideas right away. That was the Beginning. ---- Now here's for the end... starting with a little history behind the history.... Me (Matt Brown) and Billy Kelly were good friends and musical partners, we shared the same vision so we started to write music and later with sal we had a great writing team, Sal was always good for guitar riffs and his drum style always fit the songs.. Billy came up with great lyrics and guitar riffs and some melodys, I came up with arangements and vocal melodys... guitar noises some riffs and bridges as well as being the production engineer.. Billy wanted to be a singer, so I coached him and got that performance out of him, i pushed him really hard. I did the mix with rob on my gear in his basement..(I AM FOR HIRE) Rob got in the band after we had written 95% of it all, but he helped by adding some cool overlaying guitar parts, a solo and some great ideas in the studio during the mix. Rob is a killer guitar player who needed more than what we were doing. Nick got into the band last, I grew up with him... he's a great tallented person who can do almost anything.. He played bass for us live, but he's really a kick ass drummer who playes in murphys law today.. I played the bass on the recording ... (Fast Forward to DEC 2002 ) There were conflicts.. people didn't get along, writing wasn't happining the way it did because there were more cooks... people left the band, my girlfriend was tearing my heart out... we try again with the band in FEB 2003 new lineup, no go, Life of Agony gets back together with Sal playing drums, I guitar tech for them for 2 tours, Billy goes on tour with Type O and bass techs. I heard the news while I was on the road. Billy passed away in his sleep on his couch at home FEB 2004, Me and sal are still in contact, we have tons of merchandise for the band at www.salabruscato.com - most of the money is going to billys mom. the only way this band can live on is if the fans make it, then maybee we'll do a tour with me singin a few years down the road, I dont think anyone else could do it, he was my close friend and we had a great musical connection. I miss you billy..


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