DRAG are an energetic sleazy-punk band with outrageous songs and a live
show to match. They address themes most other bands would be afraid to -
such as eating disorders, gender issues and self-harm without apology. Their
stage show oozes sexual prowess and is as compelling as it is defiant...
Dirty Guitars ~ Filthy Lyrics!"

Jeffree Star
"I, I wanna be as pretty as Jeffree Star....."


"Trust me, this is what I need..."


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Last logged in: 6/10/2013 11:56:23 PM         Pageviews:  13231
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to Short Attention Span Radio station!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to Black Label station!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to Short Takes station!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to Performer station!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to more mighty songs station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Anorexic' is now #34 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to Emo Rocks! station!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to Spock! I Thought You Were Coming To Bed. I've Got KIAC On... station!
* Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to Auf der gleichen Wellenlänge station!
IMP Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to BULLY FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to BANG station!
IMP Your song 'Anorexic' has just been added to GIRL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
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DRAG are an energetic sleazy-punk band with outrageous songs and a live
show to match. They address themes most other bands would be afraid to -
such as eating disorders, gender issues and self-harm without apology. Their
stage show oozes sexual prowess and is as compelling as it is defiant...
Dirty Guitars ~ Filthy Lyrics!"
BULL FM - A Desperado Revue station
Awaiting Assignment
Emo Rocks!
Black Label
Das Boot
more mighty songs
GIRL FM - a Desperado Revue station
Short Takes
The Unknown (TS)

3/13/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 1/30/2025 9:03:55 PM
Pageviews: 13231
