Ivor Rowley can't use computers without either them or him (or both) going temporarily insane, so I (his daughter) have taken the liberty of writing this myself.

Ivor is, in my eyes, a skilled guitarist and songwriter. How he manages to get any playing at all done between his work as painter and decorator, running around for me and my sister and Nan constantly asking if he would like another cuppa I don't know. But despite all this he does it and, might I add does it quite well. He has been playing both acoustic and electric guitar for about five years now, and has written many songs, the majority of which are yet to be recorded.

For the Telford Rocks song competition he would like to enter his song, Coalbrookdale a home recording of his song about the local area which has influenced him greatly.

he also hates the fact I have uploaded this image of him.

a home recording of Ivor's acoustic song, Coalbrookdale

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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Ivor Rowley