KingScale, takes a different approach to music, with the focus on strong powerful vocals and spiritual meaning in the lyrics, backed by heavy guitar riffs and rhythms, the music it self is a backdrop that paints the emotion and message of the lyrics and vocals.. They have in fact purposely made the music take a "backseat" to the vocals and the meaning....

" in one sense We both are re-telling our own stories of where we been and what we have experienced both good and bad. In many cases its even telling of where we are currently in some songs in our own lives... Our hope is that at least one person hears one of the songs when all is said and done and can relate to it.. maybe it stops them from doing something they would regret or lets them see that what ever they are enduring isnt as bad as they think it is... If we can show one person God's love and point them in the right direction, then its all worth it..... "

- B.Souliske - Guitarist
- T. L. Moore - Vocals

Hailing from Lockport NY Scale currently comprises of two members. T.L.Moore and R.Souliske aka Rastain. After writing a few songs to test the waters. Scale has taken the root of heavy guitar riffs with meaningfull spiritual based lyrics and strong clear vocals.

In life everything requires balance, or moderation to much unbalance and we come to ruin.

I Cant Breathe
At one point in everyones life they have done something that they knew would end badly. This song deals with how we deal with our emotions and how we react at the moment when things just seem that they cannt get any worse. After 10 years of not playing music at all. We started to play again this was the first song we wrote. This was our concept stage and pre -production so the quality is not as good as it coudl have been. Basically its getting the old blood flowing again and shaking of the rus

Alternative Heavy Rock

Wayward Child
Over Time it seems we lost focus on what really matters - We let Religion take the place of God in our lives.

Heavy Alternative

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Last logged in: 6/5/2013 8:49:11 PM         Pageviews:  7362
* Your song 'I Cant Breathe' has just been added to 1 Hot Rock Station station!
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7/28/05 - Check out - Radio station that has added "Wayward Child " the the lineup --


7/19/05 - UPDATE - Name Change - Scale Has now changed our name to KingScale... also we have uploaded updated versions of the songs as well.. We are waiting right now on a confirmation about the New CMR vol II Cd from as to if "Wayward Child " will be one of the songs on there new cd..

7/4/05 - Rough Mix of Wayward Child was uploaded -- T.L and Myself discussed the current version and believe we can add a few things on the drum side to make the song have much stronger presence then it currently does. So within the Next few days we will update the song more as we iron out a few things but we felt it would be great to let everyone hear the current version as it is,.. first


7/1/05 -- Finished the Bass Tracks last night for our next Single -- T.L will be doing the Vocals this weekend Hopefully we will have it up sometime next week after we downmix a preview for everyone.. If all goes well leads will be done as well afterwards and we will work towards getting a better quality production mix out to you as well
Much better then our current song's mixing/production

- Rastain

Currently : 6/29/05 - We are working on new songs that are more heavier then our current samples on the internet. Overall these new songs will be better quality and more in line with what we are looking to achieve sound wise..

So keep an eye out for our new
song - Wayward
Mikey's Station
1 Hot Rock Station

4/9/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 6/4/2024 5:35:32 PM
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