Psychosis 23 is currently a one man project of some freak sitting in his room messing around with a Music Generator on his PC. His music is not made for clubs to dance to, not made for you to take drugs (d...Drugs are bad..m'ka) and trip out to. It's pure Experimentation. What comes out his stuff he likes, most of it having a dark or odd mood and feel to them. You get stuff made to be scary, to well, stuff that is just plain odd. Though if the Vision in his head of Psychosis 23 ever forms to what he wants it to be some day, a Band will form .. there style being everything from techno, to heavy metal, and every single messed up thing between. But for no, just listen to the music... kill a few unused brain cells at the same out for the hamsters, there plotting to take over the world.

Action Pause
a Track that came out of FLStudio that has an intresting feel


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Psychosis 23