Mixed Messages is the solo music of Wesley Rogers. All the songs that run through his head at night, the ones he hears riding on busses, while working his dead-end job, and everywhere else filled with useless drama and consumption, is channeled through Mixed Messages. Consider yourself lucky to able to peek into the very psyche of one man by listening to his songs. Nothing is hidden, everything is laid out wide and open. Or is it? ""There's something here just itching to be solved."" (excerpt from 'freaked out') You can relax and listen to the rock/ trance/ techno beats of each song, or delve deeper into a world of evolving ideas. Wes lives in Seattle, Washington, where he wishes it would rain more. The CD-single 'foreshadowing' was released in 2003, and all the songs are available for download. The full album 'The Ordeal' is scheduled to be released summer 2004.

for the fuck of it


for the fuck of it (Remix)


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Mixed Messages