Sofa King is based out of the KMC (Kaiserslautern Military Community) in the city of Kaiserslautern, Germany, the largest concentration of Americans outside the U.S. Nathan (vocals) and Alfredo (drums) are ex-army that decided to stay in the area working in civilian support, Paul (bass) is the brother of an ex-army that also decided to stay and brought “little brother” along for the ride and Rogelio (guitar) is currently in the Air Force. The band started out as a mix of musicians from bands that suffered the fate of most bands in the area, the fast turn around of personnel usually kills bands before they even take off the ground, this is not the case of Sofa King, “we are in this together all the way to the top”. With melodic guitars and vocals, powerful bass lines and hard driving drum beats makes for music that you would expect from bands that evolve in LA or any major music capital of the U.S., Sofa King has all the ingredients and the recipe for success, Listen to their songs and witness the birth of a great band.
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- You can also hear our songs at our page with Garageband and PureVolume
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�2015-2016 Indie Music
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