Planet 9 is made up of 1 1/2 groups and roughly 9 Artist(s) coming together for one common goal. It was formed by Shannon “Sope” Watson, and Alvin “6 Killer” White, who recently moved from VA at the end of Jul ‘05, to follow dreams and a passion for entertainment. Planet 9 consist of Sope and 6 Killer, Jay Rock and D- Black of Trapping Hard, Ghetto Rock, St. Eyes of Bottum Lyne Entertaniment, Frank Dot Nitty of VIP, Big C, JP and Rocky, Papes, and Bank Roll. We are all from different areas within the US. The Only one who is originally from Atlanta born and raised is D-Black of Trapping Hard, The rest are from Detroit, New York, Jersey, North Carolina, Indiana, Mississippi, and Germany. Although we love Atlanta so, we hope they give us the love we give them. Planet 9 means the 9th planet, which is P.L.U.T.O, which stands for us as: Players Like Us Taking Over. We are out there and now we are coming to you bringing some more originality to the game. Just think of it as the movie when Mars Attacks, only we‘re from Pluto. You can ask us who we are like and we’ll say no one. You can ask us who do we like and we’ll say almost everyone in the game who has made it, who didn’t make it, and who are still underground. There’s enough money here for everyone, we are just trying to get some of it and at the same time make quality music. Some of us are in a Indepent Movie rnamed "Proud Mary" recently filmed by Cool People and also stand in extras for a Chris Robinson featured film Jellybean about Cascade Skating Ring.
we are looking for male and female host, indieheat girls, interns and much more! If your in Atlanta you can find us at the 714 club every thursday at 9pm casting,filming, and much more for the TV show Indie Heat Video Magazine, which will be aired on BET in the next few months. On all submission forms when you type your last name, space and type sope right after on your form.
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
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