Haitian gospel group with self imposed mission to show that haitian gospel music does not have to be boring
Since our formation seven years ago, we set the goal to break the myth that Haitian Gospel music had to be boring. Of course some people might think that we are pushing the enveloppe but in this case we think we are doing the right thing, cause nowhere it is said that to worship we have to use our hands simply to clap, that all the instruments are there to glorify the "world". Just keep in mind why we like the support we are getting from the choir we are not preaching to the choir.....
One of our fans sums it up best:
I listened to your beautiful new CD last night and I found it amazingly different from what I heard so far. I am not religious, but I don't mind listening to your type of music. I truly like the "compa" style,it's absolutely unique as far as evangelic music. Keep up the wonderful work! I am going to try to get you some airtime at a couple radio and tv stations so you can promote your CD. Let me know if you are interested. Once again, congratulations!
To obtain more information, please visit us at
or contact us by phone:
(312) 235-6803 Chicago, IL
(203) 913-9323 Bridgeport, CT
(617)898-2096 Boston, MA
Pour les francophones:
Les productions Harmonie annoncent la sortie du 2ème album du groupe Harmonie de Chicago. Cet album intitule « LUNITE » réunit 12 compositions originales du groupe dirige par le maestro Joseph Napaul
Dit SuperJoe.
Cree depuis six Ans, le groupe Harmonie se dévoue à la propagation de la parole divine par le truchement de la musique.
Le groupe Harmonie se compose des musiciens suivants :
- Jean Bernard Abraham, clavier, choeur
- Joseph Napaul, guitare, vocal
- Jimmy Raymond, guitare basse
- Mierlande Antoine, vocal
Le groupe Harmonie de Chicago se tient a votre disposition pour l’animation de concerts, festivals, graduations, cérémonies spéciales, croisades évangéliques, etc.
Pour vos commandes, invitations ou autres informations, prière de nous contacter aux numéros suivants :
(312) 235-6803 Chicago, IL
(203) 913-9323 Bridgeport, CT
(617)898-2096 Boston, MA
Ou visitez notre site internet : http://harmonie.faithweb.com
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