Originally known and Voyght-Kampff back in 1998, took on the name of Aphelion Run in 2000 due to a sharp turn in our sound, and now due to a loss of a band member ""Zoop Von Beezle"" is born. ZVB uses a vast arsenal of programs and soft synths including: Fruity Loops 3.0/4.0 , Reason 3.0, Sonar, samplitude 7.0 Professional, Acid, FM7, NI Pro-53, VirSyn TERA, MicroTonic and pretty much anything else that bleeps or bloops. Zoop is currently working towards his bachelors in audio engineering, so our mixing and complexity improves day by day. Lyrically we are simplistic, due to the thought that you can say so much more by saying so much less, it leaves it open to interpretation and imagination. We embrace the fact that we will never have a main stream sound, but you are unlikely to hear anything like Zoop Von Beezle. Thats enough words, the music should speaks for itself... Enjoy We respond to all e-mails so please send any thoughts or insults strait away!
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�2015-2016 Indie Music
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