Cedar-N-Sage was formed by D'Lorah & T in the late 80's and with the help of Devin McBeth on drums and Jim Pulli on Bass recorded "Feeling Dangerous", after performing a sold out show at the Roxy in LA. It is a collection of moody and melodic tunes they coined "desert rock". It is an album they are very proud of and set the bar for future music to come. Feeling the tug to go separate ways, D'Lorah and T found themselves in NW Arkansas and a new bass player Earl McCool. They have been writing together for the last 10 years and the new album "Reflection Pool" will be released in 2008. The Journey from "Feeling Dangerous" to "Reflection Pool" has seen the passing of parents & friends of the band and the rebirth of a conviction to the music. When they came to NW Arkansas, it turned out to be a time to live the life they were to write about. However, with the new jazz influences from Earl, they also re-covered two songs from "Feeling Dangerous" that have taken on new feels and dimensions and a guest appearence of a special friend Bob Park. Being a 3 piece at this point, by no means keeps the sound small with the help of drum machines and keyboads and multi guitar tracks. It is just the beginning, for Cedar-N-Sage. Though, they may have taken the scenic road to sucess, it was well worth the time taken, to clear the way to rock the house for many years to come.


For about a year, T & D’lorah have been re-evaluating the “Times” we live in and you have seen Cedar-N-Sage become more politically out-spoken. Behind the scenes, it also propelled us to take a hard look at our spiritual lives. When things get worse, people often find their way back to YaHuWa.

We are a prime example of YaHuWa working all things to our good and His glory by repenting and re-dedicating our lives to our Messiah his son, YaHu.

We understand how awesome the gift our salvation is and do not take lightly the price that was paid for, on our behalf, for our sins, on the stake.

If YaHuWa can use our music in any way to help others come to his son Yahu, then that is what we want to do. His will holds our future path and our fears of this life have been replaced by love and mercy of being accepted into the family the YaHuWans.

We thought it would be appropriate and quite exciting to re-record our album “Feeling Dangerous” with new vocals and lyrics that find favor with YaHuWa. You can take advantage of the re-make we did of Times Like These and the new background lyrics as well as the video.

We will be working on this and hope to have it finished by the end of summer along with some bonus tracks.

We are new creatures in YaHu and we will keep you posted on our progress.

Whatever YaHuWa’s plan is for us, we look forward to sharing the journey with you and we pray that your journey leads to the truth of YaHuWa as well. Til next time…much love.

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Muriel signed the petition to keep the "Dogpack" on American soil. Peace.
Kamron Harold
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* Your song 'Times Like These - (licensed cover)' has just been added to RCEI Gospel Hits station!
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Cedar -N- Sage