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Josh Gilmore and Mitch Strohm met in the middle of their hometowns of Nashville and Chicago in Bloomington, Indiana to layout their future. Though they went there to further their education in Telecommunications and Sociology at Indiana University, music became their undeclared major by the end of freshman year. Their 10x11 door rooms became their chemistry labs where they began to combine their influences of country and blues to create a fire that wouldn't die down.

After playing a few open mic nights and talent shows, Mitch and Josh realized they had something unique and different from the bands they had played with in the past. They decided to take it a step further and created 20 Minutes to Park in 2002 after playing their first 'official' gig. “After looking through every word in the dictionary we decided that our band name had to come about naturally,” says Josh. “20 Minutes to Park came after playing our first gig. We were new to the town and couldn’t find a parking spot for at least 20 minutes. We told our buddy Nate about how we were late because it took us 20 minutes to park and he said ‘that’s your band name!’; We’ve been playing as 20 Minutes to Park ever since.”

The four years of college were spent juggling class and music, but they managed to make time for both. As Mitch recalls, “I remember staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning just playing music, and then waking up around 8am to head to class. Our love for music is really what drove us through graduation and everything that we have done.”

As house parties and small clubs became part of their resume, the local following began to grow. The power of word-of-mouth and the help of loyal fans pushed them into larger venues and soon different states. During Junior and Senior year they began playing regional shows on weekends throughout Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Florida, Tennessee, and of course their starting ground of Indiana. Their relentless touring schedule grew their regional fan base and fueled thousands of online downloads every week.

20 Minutes to Park became their full-time dedication when they graduated in May 2005. Playing together for over 4 years now, the two are starting to find the road more as their home and are harnessing their original music to share their stories. While the cities get further from home and the crowds get larger, Mitch and Josh persist to create a passionate high-energy live show through a mix of over 20 original songs and 70 cover songs that includes something for everyone to enjoy. With a chemistry that cannot be faked, the duo thrives off of audiences and lays it all out on the table night after night for everyone to see.

Forever Goodbyes

Acoustic Pop Rock

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20 Minutes to Park