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I`ve been working as Guitarist/ Recording Artist since 1990 and just finished my 3rd instrumental Soloalbum TONES

I started playing guitar at the age of 11 and have been playing ever since.
I`ve been busy touring and recording with national/ international artists for the last 16 years.
By now I have a small studio, where I record guitars for other artists, film & TV series as well as working on my own music of course.

The idea for the new album was to combine vintage guitars with new studio technology, loops and samples, instead of playing in a bandsituation. I did that on earlier soloalbums.
This had an interesting effect on the composing and on songideas in general. Most of the tunes weren`t written in advance, they were composed and recorded almost at the same time in the studio

To keep a kind of lifefeeling, I recorded melodies and solos
several times and kept the best tracks I tried to stay away from the Editbutton for that, as much as possible.
If you still want to know more about me and my music, check out my website

Buy the CD


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Last logged in: 7/9/2009 6:51:09 PM         Pageviews:  15931
Lauri My daily song rotation at ROFLMAO!!!! has you in the top 2 today!
Zayra Yves Love the "Cruise" track.
Lauri You have been rotated back into the top 2 again today!
lost in soul Thanks for the invite. I love 'cruise'. Inspiring stuff!! Cheers!
oflockit Very nice stuff!! Wish I could play that well!! I'll be back to add acouple more soon, Duane
lost in soul Happy to play your tracks Cuthead ! The pleasure is all mine. I You are on fire mate !! Keep it up !!
George O'Neil Man "Cruise" is one cool tune !!! had to add it to "Cruisin In The sounds Via George O'Neil" !!!! If you get a chance check out my song "Reflections Of The Mind" Give me ashout and let me know what you all think of the sounds !!!Peace "GFO"
lost in soul Hi Cuthead :-) I just listened to "no no yes" again ... It's just MAGIC !!
Sinervuo jazz I started a daily song rotation on my station to help everyone have a chance at more plays. Your on bottom today:)
Isle Of Ewe Listen to this if you have time. I'm just going mental and frank like. Peace Cut.
Zachery Eddy
* Your song 'Tones' has just been added to Timo's Peculiar Cat Station station!
* Your song 'No No Yes' has just been added to Tunes to ponder station!
* Your song 'Raw' has just been added to Groovy Music 10 station!
* Your song 'Then She Laughed' has just been added to The Trip station!
* Your song 'Brando' has just been added to INET Jazz 365 station!
* Your song 'Cruise' has just been added to ****AIRWAVE EXCORIEE**** station!
* Your song 'Cruise' has just been added to Chill Hill station!
* Your song 'Raw' has just been added to Eaglehead's Big Bundle O' Tunes station!
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Msg  Go! 2/11/2008 6:19:06 PM
Last pageview at: 3/31/2025 3:41:53 PM
Pageviews: 15931
